Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Arrests in Sydney of LTTE members

In my last post I posted a video of a news report where 2 LTTE members from Melbourne were arrested in relation to using Tsunami charity funds for terrorist activities. Just today the Australian Federal Police made an arrest of a man in Sydney as well. The news report is below.

It is good to see that Australia is finally taking steps to curtail the funding efforts carried out by LTTE sympathisers in Australia to carry out murders and other terrorist activities against innocent civilians and children in Sri Lanka.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What this is about...

I created this weblog as a complimentary text blog to my YouTube video blog (http://www.youtube.com/defendlanka) which features as many video articles that I can get my hands on that shows the LTTE for who they really are. That is they are not a liberation or freedom force but simply a racially motivated separatist, guerilla, terrorist organisation that utilises the lowest of cowardly military tactics such as suicide bombings and recruitment of child soldiers. With the ultimate goal of running a separate hardliner military dictatorship in the North and East of Sri Lanka exploiting the helpless Tamil minority population.

Purely upon these reasons most civilised governments around world have banned the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) as a terrorist organisation and outlawed any form of support or fund raising in aiding them.

Check the list by the US Department of State (http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/crt/2005/65275.htm) UK Homeland Security (http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/security/terrorism-and-the-law/terrorism-act/proscribed-groups) and also the EU list (http://www.statewatch.org/terrorlists/docs/EUterrorlist-May-06.pdf) among many other nations lists if you can be bothered to look it up. These include many Western nations and Asian nations such as India and Pakistan who are acutely aware of the doings of the LTTE.

It is a well known truth and it does not require much convincing by me to highlight the fact that LTTE is a ruthless, bloodthirsty terrorist organisation. What I do want to point out is how the LTTE has spread it's influence world wide and how it extorts money from the Tamil Diaspora by force and via other criminal activities. These include credit card frauds, gang violence and robberies, money laundering etc. In some cases police have uncovered attempts at using fake charities under the pretense of tsunami relief to collect funds in order to procure weapons and other military hardware. Watch below (courtesy of ABC News Australia).

Right now Sri Lanka is at a very crucial stage. With the LTTE declaring their "Final War" upon the government and people of Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan military has commenced major offensives against the LTTE to counter attack any threats on the civilian population in the North and the East of the country.

While the offensives are carried out successfully and almost nearing the complete liberation of the East of the Island from the LTTE threat, there is still a long and difficult road ahead in completely eliminating this terror organisation. One of the key aspects of this is to eliminate overseas support and funding of the LTTE. My objective is to highlight the sophisticated and systematic nature of the LTTE fund raising operations especially in countries like Canada, UK and Australia and motivate people who are passionate about the plight of Sri Lankan people to take action to curb out these illegal activities. Hope you find this blog and the accompanying YouTube blog a useful resource of media articles.